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Workout With Smart Training

Workout with Jay Kali

Do you workout? Jay Kali is your man. Especially, if you are female. He has an awesome tale to tell.

Workout, Smart Training, Empowered Mindset, Jay Kali, The Next 100 Days Podcast

The Early Years

Jay worked in a federal prisons for about 5 years. He reflected. And decided he didn’t want to babysit men who weren’t able to handle themselves in society.

Where could he go? He turned up in Cancun.

The first prison he worked at was Springfield, Missouri. Followed by Montgomery, Alabama. They were not only a long way apart, but they also had different facilities. Springfield was an administrative unit. Which meant they had every single custody level, from people ready to leave tomorrow to other mentally unfit to be in society.

He had a soft landing in Cancun, thanks to his father who had retired down there. Jay has been in Cancun for 6 years and was married 3 years back.

Workout Business

Jay tried his hand at a scuba diving business. It didn’t work out. So, he turned his hand to a workout business, so to speak!

So, was his wife a client? Hear Jay’s answer:

His training went well. She kept getting a better body…

When he looked around Cancun, he couldn’t find a style of gym that he wanted to exercise in. They were mostly about pumping iron.

He opened up the first of its kind fitness facility. A hybrid. His business was in the black in month one. A second facility opens 9 months later? A bit like cross-fit. a functional intense fitness facility.

He has been welcomed by his Spanish family. “One of the most joyous things of my life”.

The Fitness Business was a Rapid Success

He pushed thousands of people through his business. It was very profitable.

He had to attract local people. He was downtown. So it was indigenous. But this was a problem. IT WASN’T AS AFFLUENT AS OTHER MARKETS.

A big lesson. Lots of clients. Paying pretty well, but low income per client.

His business partners were too comfortable where they were. He wasn’t.

How can you find Jay?

Workout, Kai Coaching, Jay Kali, The Next 100 Days Podcast, Graham Arrowsmith

How was the online business going to help him?

It is counter-intuitive? Often you realise you cannot talk to many people. Online, he was just another guy.

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How did Jay stand out?

Being around. Top of mind. Same message. Congruent. True.

He now does not have any Hispanics on his client roster. His clients come from the US, UK, Italy, and Australia.

Before he engages a client, he makes sure they are a good fit. He doesn’t work with everybody.

There is a big difference when Jay coaches you in person. He can get a little bit more intense. Online, you learn a totally different way to interact. Otherwise the person will drop the call. Session over.

How does Jay Interact Online?

Where do his clients workout?

Often clients don’t want to go to a gym. He figures what they CAN do? What do you enjoy doing? Whatever it is let’s make that happen so we can get you the results you desire.

It’s not really a workout. When you do have the accountability of a coach, a mentor, you can be helped. Especially as Jay can call on the experience of helping thousands of people to train and work out in Mexico. That means he can translate the learnings to other countries around the world.

The client knows what they want to do, says Kevin. Experience from his business coaching business suggests, that clients know what they want, but need help teasing it out. To challenge them, and give them in the accountability.

The view from 30,000 feet.

I know you are lost in the forest, but we are working our way through the trees. A way to a different spot. Its a different perspective. Helping people to find a new direction.

This personal help gets great reviews.

We are all in different stages of change. It’s true. We are not all ready to start doing exercise. Meg wasn’t. She had other things to sort first. Jay’s approach was not to distract Meg from the issues she faced. That would drain her of the necessary energy she needed for a more important fight. He asked what can we do. What can fit into her routine.

The Minimum Effective Dose



You got this, cheerleading. Kaizen. 1% better. Food. Exercise. In your business. In your copywriting. 1% better everyday, is 365% better in a year.

How many pills. 1 or 2, not 50 pills.


FREE BOOK OFFER – “Educate Demonstrate Motivate” by Jay Kali is FREE to The Next 100 Days Podcast Listeners!!!

Workout, Jay Kali, The Next 100 Days Podcast, Educate Demonstrate Motivate

CLICK ON THIS PICTURE – free plus shipping offer, or download the pdf instantly.

It’s a GO GIVER. It is an Amazon best selling book.

It’s the accumulation of his years of experience. Not one slither of the pie. How to do things. Links to how to do exercise and Motivate, apply techniques.

Its not filler. Not waffle.

Within a 100 days, can people make a difference in 100 days? Yes.

A 63 year old female lost 23 pounds in 8 weeks.

He has high end packages for very affluent guests.


Jay’s tattoos make him stand out.

Workout, Jay Kali, Tattoos, The Next 100 Days Podcast


The tattoo on the next is like a separator to Jay. He uses it like a strainer. It automatically let’s him know, who is willing to look past it. Who is willing to talk to Jay as a human. And who is not.

It is an easy way to sift people. Not everyone is going to like you.

Jay Kali is an inspiration.

Running a Marathon

My daughter Sophie is leading up to running a marathon. Jay says beware of repetitive injuries. So the advice is STRENGTH TRAINING. Do more. Strengthen their muscles.

here is Sophie running the Leeds Half Marathon earlier this year (2018).

Workout, Jay Kali, The Next 100 Days Podcast, Sophie May Arrowsmith, Leeds Half Marathon

Smart Training Tip

Jay’s Tip is “Do something that you enjoy that fits your schedule.”

Lifestyle Nutrition

Don’t get caught up on fresh vegetables. The weather has been poor this year for some vegetables. Prices up. So eat FROZEN veggies. They have been proven to have more nutrition.

Empowered Mindset

Believe in yourself. Take your bold risky step, the universe will reward you, one way or another. Knowing you will achieve it. Think and be fit.

How do you contact Jay Kali
