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Jonathan Slobom becomes the first returning guest in this episode of The Next 100 Days Podcast. He returns to talk about his new product, CAMPR. Jonathan detailed his INSPIRE marketing strategy framework in his first podcast. That was episode 61 and this is 81. Any Tottenham Hotspur fan will recognise those numbers!

Jonathan Slobom reveals the CAMPR methodology on The Next 100 Days Podcast

Jonathan Slobom reveals the CAMPR methodology on The Next 100 Days Podcast

INSPIRE has gone from strength to strength, but some clients cannot justify the spend on this level of marketing strategy advice. Their real reason is often that the entrepreneur running the business sees the several thousand pounds’ investment as making it with ‘their’ own money not the businesses, and because Jonathan sees these people as his natural customers, they are showing interest but tripping over the INSPIRE cost, he has adapted the INSPIRE process into a more rapid or express format.

We liked the idea and felt it would be a valuable process for our listeners to follow.

Introducing, CAMPR.

It is aimed at budget conscious businesses, or businesses that like to dip their tow in and at a later stage become more involved with Jonathan’s marketing solutions.

C = Customers

Define your ideal customer. Your customer is NOT everyone. Who are those people who place a higher value on what you do? When they do engage, they’ll be more enthusiastic, they’ll pay on time they’ll make repeat purchases. They’ll also speak nicely about you on social media sites.

Don’t just use surrogates. Like ABC1 Women who live in the South of England. Talk about these people as real people with needs. The T Shirt example Jonathan spoke of could mean you define your audience as wanting fitted T shirts or something to go clubbing, or they want to protect themselves from the sun. Who are these real people?

At this stage, once you go through this process the MDs, once they find and establish their ideal customer invariably say: “SO WHAT?”.

  • If you know who they are, you can set about attracting them.

A = Attraction

Invariably, again, Jonathan says the MD’s next retort is “SO WHAT?

  • Then you need to maintain the engagement to build a relationship.

M = Maintain

There are many reasons why we need to maintain this relationship. Jonathan has looked at current and previous clients. Of all the people, you are trying to attract, 50% will NEVER become your customers. 1% will become customer shortly after they receive your communication, which leaves 49% that could become your customers. These people will take anything up to 18 months to 2 years to buy in your category, but not necessarily from you. They’ll buy when they are ready. It will also take between 5 and 25 contact points. You need to maintain the engagement positively to increase the likelihood of these people becoming customers.

When they are ready to make a purchase, you are top of mind.

P = Purchase

You achieve that through educate them, by demonstrating you understand their requirements and needs. You explain how your service better meets their needs better than other alternatives.

This is where you need COMMUNITY.

Collect email addresses. Offer something of value to collect their email addresses.

R = Retention

It’s cheaper to retain customers than simply replacing them through acquisition.


Jonathan says this is a good process to de-risk marketing tactics. If your business implements this system it becomes a system. This allows you to put new tactics into this framework and test whether it delivers results through this process.

Don’t bet your marketing budget on one tactic. Test and review.

In May 2018, GDPR will affect your opportunity for outbound marketing activity, in terms of cold calls, emails and even direct mail. If you have not got a system, next year’s changes will place your business thinks through a new process.

CAMPR is a thinking style. You can quickly plug into new technologies into this process. It makes away the GUESSWORK in marketing.

The decline in response rates.

Marketing response rates are in decline. People will only grant you a tiny amount of their attention. Traditional marketing models talk of large quantity of targets and a small response rate. That model needs to turn on its head. Smaller targets, time to develop a relationship and a higher response rate from a smaller base.

There is a huge amount of evidence about interruption marketing, response rates are tumbling. Commercial TV, popups, telephone marketing etc. We are all more demanding and selective about what people will respond to.

CAMPR is about helping people make better marketing decisions through a thinking style that helps people organise their marketing strategy around a process.

In the absence of NO MARKETING PROCESS, CAMPR is a useful way forward.

Get access to CAMPR on a One Day course.

  • This gets you a ONE HOUR discovery conversation about your business.
  • A One Day course local to you with 6 non-competing businesses. Jonathan helps people with targeting, messaging, channels to choose – a rapid fire, huge amount of information sharing.
  • After the event, a further ONE HOUR follow-up call to answer any questions and help with implementation.

INSPIRE is a 6 to 8-day process at £1,000 per day. £6-8,000 investment.

CAMPR gets you started for just £499 with huge benefits to be had. Those trading up to INSPIRE will get a discount to reflect the step up.

The One Day Course is about masterminding. They’ll share ideas and best practice.

This is not one of those online training courses. It reflects his customers wishes to be told how to do marketing. They don’t want to learn. They want a process to follow. It is how an entrepreneur’s minds work.

The information product for some entrepreneurs is arguably NOT what they want. This price point is also attractive for most start-ups and small businesses.

There is probably another step. CAMPR is something of a taster, but it does allow you to manage your marketing.

INSPIRE – tends to be for larger businesses over £1m turnover.

A start-up budget conscious is the perfect avatar.



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The Next 100 Days Podcast is brought to you by Graham Arrowsmith and Kevin Appleby