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Virtual Finance Director

Andy Cristin is a virtual finance director. He combines an analytical and creative mind to help companies usually £1 to £20m. He has been a Finance Director, both full-time and as a virtual finance director in 22 businesses. And 2 of those were FTSE-listed. Andy has also been involved in 11 start-ups. Among his successes, he worked with two businesses from start-ups right through to trade sales and three others that grew to £50m+ turnover.

Andy Cristin, Virtual Finance Director, Architects

Graham Reveals a Family Secret


Who is Andy Cristin, the Virtual Finance Director

Need a virtual finance director? You are probably average at sales and rubbish at finance.

Another Corporate Escape Story?

Kevin referenced our recent podcast with Kevan Hall, where we discussed Your Portfolio Life.

Your data will tell all

The Book – The Profit Mindset

Just click the image…
Andy Cristin, Virtual Finance Director, The PROFIT MINDSET

Here’s Andy explaining the book. You can read it in a single session.

It’s that 80:20 Rule Again!

Or, if you prefer, the Pareto Rule. Kind of like why Andy named his business Pareto-FD.

Contact Pareto FD

Andy Cristin, Virtual Finance Director, Architects

Andy Cristin Provides this Short and Sweet Testimonial

The Next 100 Days co-hosts…

Graham Arrowsmith

Graham Arrowsmith, Finely Fettled, The Next 100 Days Podcast

Graham runs Finely Fettled to help organisations that want to market to affluent and high-net-worth customers.  He also runs Meet Professionals, which is offered to financial advice groups as a white-labelled lead generation and conversion system. Contact Graham on LinkedIn: Visit Graham’s LinkedIn Profile and by email.

Kevin Appleby

Kevin Appleby, GrowCFO, The Next 100 Days Podcast

Kevin specialises in finance transformation and implementing business change. He’s the COO of GrowCFO which provide both community and CPD-accredited training designed to grow the next generation of finance leaders. You can find Kevin on LinkedIn and at