Podcasting lessons from regular weekly podcasters Kevin Appleby & Graham Arrowsmith
Kevin and Graham know a thing or two about podcasting. This podcast is episode 117. That’s roughly 2 years and 4 months worth of podcasting. We’ve made plenty of cock-ups and occasionally got it bang on first time. We’re not selling a course on podcasting, but we think we have something to share about podcasting. Because, you may be just like we were, before we started podcasting.
Unsure. Not really aware of the commitment. No, we don’t want to scare you off. Let your voice be heard, but expect to put in a decent amount of effort along the way. Below, you’ll see the very first video recording of part of the show being recorded on Saturday, 21st April 2018.
Podcasting Audio Quality
For the first time, Kevin and Graham are recording BOTH audio and video. We have chosen to migrate from SKYPE to ZOOM. https://zoom.us
This decision to move to a paid license for Zoom was taken because Kevin was spending time overseas. There the broadband signal was not so good. Therefore, if you are a regular listener, you may have noticed poorer audio quality in recent episodes. This could not be allowed to continue. So an investment was made in Zoom.
If you are thinking of podcasting as your next step. Then seriously consider Zoom as a way to record great audio quality. What is even better, is you get the video as well.
Zoom records your voice from where you are. So Graham’s dulcet tones are recorded from his super-fast broadband in West Yorkshire. Kevin’s overseas restriction no longer destroys the audio for him, Graham and guest alike. Kevin can also record his own voice on Audacity – a free, open source audio recording software. https://www.audacityteam.org
If Kevin’s audio is ruined his end by the local overseas provider, then he can simply dub over his local microphone to computer recording via Audacity.
So, thanks for the memories Skype, but we’re recording with Zoom from now on.
How to Get the Right Podcasting Guests?
We decided to source people great at what they do, but not necessarily headline guests on the US circuit. Don’t copy what everybody-else is doing.
Our advice is be like Bill Glazer suggests in his new book – OUTRAGEOUS Multi-Step Marketing Campaigns That Are Outrageously Successful – http://outrageouscampaigns.com
Be different. Have your own thing. We have a fire-side chat. We don’t script, we have a few bullet points. When these things come together, you’ll get real quality snippets from your podcasts.
Talk about your show. Friends recommend people. But, do your research. Some of your best guests will be referred to you. They might be more well known than yourselves. But everybody benefits from a long-lasting podcast, that people can download at any time.
Over-talking each other? Don’t worry so much. But by splitting audio tracks, you can blank one track to prevent that. Remember it is natural to over-talk. It happens, don’t beat yourself up.
Editing can be used to cut SOME of the ’ems, ‘errs.
More About Podcasting Audio Quality
We are after BBC audio quality. That is why we’ve moved to Zoom. Podcasting is all about producing a radio show on the internet. So it has to be clear.
A recent guest, Gary King was the first guest we have had to re-record the episode. Gary was very patient and took it in his stride. Even then the re-record was not good. That made us make the decision to find an alternative.
Buy a decent microphone. Graham uses a Blue Snowball and Kevin a Blue Yeti
Kevin also uses a pop filter that prevents hissing.
If you are travelling – try a clip on lapel mics. We both use Rode Lav Mics
Hosting your podcast
Get you recorded MP3 file out to the world. How?
Our show is on iTune, Stitcher and TuneIn Radio.
You need to host your audio file. On Libsyn.com
Upload your audio to Libsyn and publish it. There you’ll find the mechanisms to get your audio published to the various platforms mentioned.
We host via WORDPRESS and use The Next 100 Days website to host, using a plugin Bluebrry Powerpress. Set up through Blubrry the link to iTunes in that plugin. every time a new show is issued it tells iTune etc that the new show is available.
The show notes are also on our website. The shownotes are a blog post. This is typically a write up of the show. It’s a mix between transcription and interpretation. Using Yoast SEO on WordPress to ensure you do a good job of presenting the content.
We also use Smart Podcast Player – Pat Flynn.
Your podcasts don’t go away. Show up. Don’t give up. Most people do. After about 6 episodes. So if you are not committed, don’t do a podcast.
It’s not all about technical stuff. That is a hygiene factor. Allow your personality to flow.
Celebrate your milestones.