Effective Communication with Miti Ampoma
Miti puts her heart and soul into helping companies create and sustain effective communications. All you have to do is listen to this wonderfully uplifting podcast to see what an impact she is making in the field of effective communications.
What is Miti All About?
The Backstory
Miti was brought up in Ghana and the UK. She says it was a privilege. In her early career, Miti was a journalist for BBC, ITV and Channel 4. Encouragingly, Miti’s first job was with the BBC in Yorkshire.
Words, reading and people were the centre of what Miti did.
Later, Miti ran global change communication programmes. And as technology has become more sophisticated, especially in the last 15 years, Miti noticed that change programmes were getting more and more complicated.
When she started, there would be people at the centre of things. And they were the priority. Then process became more of a priority. After that, technology became the absolute priority. Then technology, process and people. People last and least!
Change Programmes
People had stopped being the priority of change programmes. Leaders were thinking what people could do for the technology, rather than the other way round. Miti noticed that profits for these organisations were declining and people were leaving.
Miti was fascinated with relationship between people, process and technology.
So, that’s the problem, but it is not all doom and gloom. People ought to be back at the heart of everything we do. That is the solution.
Fat Rascal’s at Betty’s Tea Rooms
What Does Miticom Do?
Miti has created a whole raft of effective communication programmes. They are based on a term she uses called “Innovative Communications”. This means that the communication is fit for purpose for the 21st Century. It is relationship centred communication in a world driven by process and technology.
The focus is on using the process and technology aspects of communications to enhance human relationships. Miti sees this as the sweet spot that drives performance.
They help leaders, manager and next generation leaders to develop effective communication. Staff get communications skills into the muscle and become ambassadors.
DON’T leave the how of communications to the HR team. Every member of your team should be a communicator.
Example of Miti’s Work
The initial newsletter that triggered, and how did you write it and to whom?
Miti’s journalism skills taught her to write simple words and bring energy to them. She wrote to project managers, programme managers and business analysts. She understood what the model would DO, then she used an ANALOGY and applied the problem at hand to the analogy.
This brought the issue alive.
Once on the roadshow, people got involved. Each section knew what everyone else was doing. And they had met each other. They had relationships. They phoned each other.
Hand Written Letters
Celanos, a successful start up to $1bn in 7 years, decided to target CEOs and wrote hand written letters to the companies they wanted to deal with. These letters were personal. It opened the doors to some of the biggest companies in Europe. The recipient felt connected as it was personal.
Miti has noted how companies are failing their clients with poor communication. She trains people for whom English is their second language, but who are expected to communicate as if it was their first. Graham provided the example of some ‘provocative’ email communications from 1&1 IONOS.
Her programmes are focused on the EMEA area, because many suffer from poor communications.
IONOS – The cultural difference in communication skills
Miti advises businesses can lose customers and contracts because of the culture differences in communications skills between their staff and their customers.
People are understandably frustrated. You don’t need aggression from your suppliers at the time when you are absent service. Take note IONOS.
Who is it for?
Miticom also focus on the aspiring generation in companies. You’ve seen those job adverts “Must have excellent communications skills” – WHERE are they going to get it from?
Lots of businesses have stripped out their training budgets. Also, young people are often fabulous with their technology, but get them to think laterally…? Not going to happen.
Common sense, is now no longer common sense. The example of the 17 year old who didn’t know how to write a letter. It has disappeared, but ironically that is what employers are looking for in skills sets.
Economist Intelligence Report: 88% of people want face to face communication. Employers are looking for people with these common sense, formerly basic skills, that are no longer there.
Effective Communication Skills
Ask yourself how does technology that enhances me in my career. What skills do I have that that Tech can help my skills, not the other way round.
Miti is to found at miti@miticom.co.uk
Send your questions and queries. Transform your people with Miticom.
The Next 100 Days
What can people do differently?
- Go cold turkey – FRIDAY FREE EMAILS. Where at all possible, make it face to face. Otherwise, pick up the telephone. Or, use video conferencing.
- Friday 10 Emails. Decide which 10 emails are your priority.
- Ditch the to do list. Have a brainstorm day. What have you achieved?
Do one of these!
How can Miti become EVEN more evangelical?
They have just put together an investor deck. Miti is talking to investors.
She wants to train and share a global change programme. I have to communicate BY ME. The best platform is your own body.
Scale means Miticom can go forth and multiply effective communication around the world.
PERSONAL makes the difference. The coffee machine. Refectory. Canteens. The visceral invisible glue that drives the magic.
Miti’s Book – The One That Started it All
Click on the image and order Miti’s book from Amazon.
Miti sensed then that was a depletion of the human spirit as a result of communication was affecting the bottom line. It is NOT a soft skill. It is a meaningful vital skill. The book gives tips and stories to exemplify how effective communication is important to business.
Pronouns and all this gender identity stuff
Miti has created role scenarios of different things that attendees go through on her courses. If you can experience it and can appreciate both sides of the challenge in communicating around people who want to re-write how we address them.
Is the 4 P’s really 5 P’s?
People, purpose, profit and planet. Graham suggests personal should be added. In 5 years time, Miti wants to have created things so that businesses see these changes.