Financing New Tech Companies with Kealan Doyle
Another returning guest today – the charming Irishman Kealan Doyle talking to us about financing new tech companies. Living in London, things are a bit haywire as Covid-19 rules the roost. We’re hoping Kevin will be safe though, being in the folds of the deep North in Northumberland!
Kealan has just-about finished anew article to publish. We’re in a remarkable time of self-isolation and quarantine. It’s all very new and we are seeing very different reactions. Financial markets will probably fall further. However, there are some signs that we can see the light – no new cases of coronavirus in China and the death rate in Germany is only 0.2% in contrast to 7% in Italy. There are glimpses of light. Kealan thinks the market will start coming back before too long. A nasty recession but it’ll be short and we will bounce back.
Trump and the ‘China Virus’
Going off track for a little while, Kevin marvels at the cleverness behind Trump’s use of words and, in particular, nicknames. Though all politicians are due to lie, he called his opponents names that focussed the mind: crooked Hilary, lying Ted. They all generate a keen eye to find the lie in political campaigns.
Financing new tech companies
What we like about Kealan is his in depth and sound assertions in regards to finance. And of course we trust what he says as he is indeed working in the world of finance at the heart of London. In particular, he helps finance new tech companies.
Must have technologies often sit within must have products such as insurance. Kealan and his colleagues are solving must have needs.
How does Kealan help people?
Kealan’s company has an EIS fund. But how does that work? Enterprise Investment Schemes has helped the UK from having little to no enterprise market to having an abounding selection of SME investments that have been generated and invested in.
Kealan’s opinion is that we’re close to a great time to buy. We can often talk ourselves down and, when you turn on the tv, it’s talking about the crisis 24/7. It’s, quite frankly, depressing. The only thing that the media is putting out is negativity.
Kealan thinks its right that there are eminent scientists being interviewed, and researched news be broadcast. There’s good debates going on. However, people need to stop buying toilet paper. The actions of the few are affecting the many when it comes to those stock piling resources. It’s been a reaction completely to the antithesis of those of earlier generations where people worked together and enjoyed a collegiate community. In contrast, we’re riding on the survival mode of ‘bugger you, I am getting what I want.’
Graham’s disappointed that Brexit is most likely going to be delayed because all the brain power is being funnelled into dealing with coronavirus. However, there’s no choice really. This is a bigger priority. Everything else is currently receding in light of the Covid-19 outbreak.
What kind of consideration would we have if we checked EIS funds out now whilst the world is a mess?
A lot of people are going to be looking at opportunities to invest once the dust has settled. There’s good value to be had because prices will be low (for a reason, obviously) and that will provide opportunity. People should be looking at the potential in financial markets and going against the grain when it comes to timing, not going with the herd. When you start running with the herd, you get stamped upon.
When it comes to investing in an EIS fund, is it logical that you can buy at this stage and benefit or is it a much longer play?
Well, investing in an EIS fund is a much longer play anyway. If you look at most people’s personal portfolios, they will have a mix of equity, bonds and property. Private equity from Venture capital funds are not liquid so it’s a longer game to play.
Another company that Kealan has chosen from Symvan’s portfolio of new tech companies, if you will, is Sweetbridge. They’ve got a technology and, more crucially, experience in various supply chains. They all sound dull but supply chains are very important and very complex. The efficiency of supply chains and their transparency and real-time auditing are really important moves to go forward in.