Alternative Investing with John Moran and Rob Comer
We’ve never had 2 guests on the podcast at the same time! So it’s a first today. We have Rob Comer and John Moran with us, talking about alternative investing.
Alternative investing is a sector Rob and John have been in for some time. They help people find great ways to gain money in alternative ways and are going to help us understand them more.
What are your backgrounds and how did you come into alternative investing?
Alternative ways to generate income are on a lot of people’s minds right now. When Rob started looking into it some years ago now, he went down the traditional route of building a portfolio in properties. Rob’s background was property investing and he was trying to stop trading time for money.
In contrast, John left full-time employment 5-6 years ago. He was introduced to an investor and the world of investments. Well, after that he took the plunge!
Well, John’s nickname is honest John! In fact, Graham remembers John’s antics on Blind Date when he won!
Creating Protecting Wealth
This is John and Rob’s business, where you can get in touch with them if you’re interested.
John and Rob met on investment and clearly got on. So, the conversation carried beyond the formalities. One of the early conversations they had was on values, because values are so important in alternative investing. Honesty, transparency, being an investor as well as asking others to be investors, etc, etc.
It was a great fit for Rob, because he was looking for more passive investments. Property isn’t at all passive! And he’d left work for property but realised it sapped a lot of his time.
What are clients looking for?
What’s intriguing is that Rob moved from a property portfolio into alternative investing. How many property investors are rethinking their investments, because they won’t be having the same money from and coming into the property market at the moment.
It boils down into additional income streams. Now more than ever income streams are being tested. Property is an asset class. But with the bond Rob and John are selling, they are finding their clients already have one or two additional income streams. That’s exactly what they’re looking for. People who are investing should already know what investing looks and feels like and the risks involved, they should also get advice from a financial institution such as a bank.
There are two types of bond:
- Corporate bonds;
- And government bonds.
Government bonds are sold by the government to raise capital, in a closed group of primary markets and dealers.
Corporate bonds are a bit like a loan. You loan a company some money and they give a sort of IOU. In their information memorandum’s (IM’s), they explain all this by saying why they are raising capital. It’s usually to do y x, y and z.
Within this, there are two types’ there’s a fixed income bond (regular basis return) or, on the bond’s maturity, you’ll receive your investment plus X back. It’s one or the other here.
Rob and John’s bond
The minimum is about £100, 000. It’s not a retail product of course. The bond is for high net worth or sophisticated investors. It has a fixed rate of return paid quarterly for two years. And, the interest rate is 1.5% a month.
This bond is listed on the stock exchange. It has been through various types of due diligence and has been wrapped up in as much security as possible. If you’re interested, follow the link here.
Covid-19 and bond performance
The percentage of interest is staying the same, despite coronavirus and the turbulent time we are living at the moment. It’s all about leveraging the money coming in.
Now £100k is a lot of money. As a result, John and Rob set up an arrangement which makes the bond more accessible. Which means there is a trust facility, where an independent-regulated trust looks after money people want to put into the bond. When the amount accumulates into 10k, it goes into the bond.
When you receive your moan back, it fits under income tax. But, you can either invest through company or personally, which gives you difference in tax percentage. Visit to learn more information.
Top 3 reasons why you shouldn’t invest in the bond
- Surplussing your income – it’s not something you want to put all your capital in.
- If you like the tangible aspect to investment, this isn’t for you. All you get is a certificate to say what return you’ll get and how much you’ve invested. If you like the classical touch and feel of a car investment or property investment, this is not for you.
- Don’t invest if you need your money fast. Because, this bond is fixed.
What happens if an older investor died during the 2 year period?
It’s a good question. In normal rules, that bond certificate would be left in a will. Once picked up by someone, it can continue until its’ maturity.
If you’re interested in learning more about the bond, find the information here. It’s a great opportunity and Rob and John are up for any conversations you have.
If you want to know more about Graham and what he does, you can find his business here.
If you’re intrigued by what Kevin does and his expertise, you can find his details here.