Revitalise Productivity with Marcey Rader
Revitalise productivity means helping people find the time that they swear isn’t there.
Marcey helps people use their time in a more intentional way. Most people go through their day reacting to people, agendas and crises. People often are not clear about what they are going to do in their next 10 minutes. Instead, their devices ping at them and steal away their time.
Those devices we mentioned – mobile phones – are useful tools says Marcey, when we are not allowing ourselves to be dictated by them.
NoMoPhoBia – the fear of being without your phone.
Have you experienced nomophobia? Awww, must have been hell for you! Marcey tells the story about her analogue watch. She wore it instead of her Apple Watch for an all day event. On that day, it was important for her to focus. But, she kept looking at the analogue watch to see if she’d had an email.
Kevin and Marcey both wear Apple Watches. They mentioned closing the move ring. This means they have daily targets for standing, exercising and moving. The move ring.
Revitalise Productivity Tip – TURN OFF NOTIFICATIONS
Marcey does a workshop called Focus Power Ups. One lady on the course told her about her Fitbit telling her to stand up all the time. Which she ignores. But, boy it distracts her. The lady was effectively in a battle of wills with the Fitbit.
Kevin pointed out that notifications on devices make you reactive. They deny focus. Notifications are normally on as default. Just turn off the notifications.
Marcey recommends that some executives ONLY look at their email inbox once or twice a day. That’s not practical for a personal assistant, it does rely on the role. It is sort of a reward.
Revitalise Productivity Tip – What are Your 1 to 3 Priorities for Today?
You ought not have more than 3. Focus on those that’ll truly move the needle towards the place you’d like to be.
Ask yourself what is that top task that I’ll complete BEFORE I hit my inbox. That is a real behavioural shift for some people, especially those who check their email first thing in the morning.
On the Google Work platform, you can use Inbox pause. That means, you pause seeing your emails until you are good and ready. Her top tier clients are never paused. Hello Sign emails are contracts, so they are let in too. Marcey processes email as a task, for instance.
Revitalise Productivity Tip – Focus
Do you schedule meetings when you are at your best? Marcey is at her best first thing in a morning.
- Burnout
- Overwhelm
- Too Many Notifications
But who’s to blame? Devices are designed to get us to use them more.
Who’s to blame?
We need to take ownership of our own decisions.
Virtual Professional
Marcey prefers the term “Virtual Professional” rather than “Virtual Assistant”. She has hired from countries that are economically and politically disadvantage – such as, Venezuela, Philippines, Guatemala and Kenya. Make the assessment what your time is worth and contrast this with what you would spend on a VA.
Marcey recommends Virtual Latinos – go here
She also recommends iWorker – go here
Before Bed
Turn off your devices at least an hour before you go to bed.
Get Marcey Rader’s Book – Work Well Play More
Testimonial from Marcey Rader
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Graham Arrowsmith
Finely Fettled helps out financial advisers, investment brokers and care homes to market to affluent and high net worth customers. Meet Professionals – This is Graham’s business focused on providing lead generation systems for financial advisory companies.
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Kevin Appleby
Kevin is a Chartered Accountant who has worked as a management consultant for a number of years specialising in finance transformation and implementing business change. Currently he is COO of GrowCFO. GrowCFO is Where Finance Leaders Grow Together. Becoming a successful CFO requires commitment and dedication towards delivering your full potential. GrowCFO provides both a community and CPD accredited training designed to grow the next generation of finance leaders. You can find Kevin on linkedin and at