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Low Carbon Construction – Building Affordable Homes in the UK

Low Carbon Construction is a revolutionary affordable home builder. They are focused on building affordable homes. But, right now, they are seeking investors. Dave makes the case in this podcast for investors to sit up and take notice of what Low Carbon Construction is doing.

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Dave Cookson, Low Carbon Construction, Affordable Houses, The Next 100 Days Podcast

Tell us about Low Carbon Construction

They started life in 2010. Back then, LCC was working with Structural Insulated Panels, or SIPs. Low Carbon Construction was the first company to introduce SIPs into house building.

Recognising there was a huge affordable housing crisis, with 145,000 house shortage. So could their way of manufacturing houses, with SIPs etc help put a dent into the affordable housing problem?

As a result of creating ‘factories on site’, Low Carbon Construction took time and cost, including carbon footprint out of the build cost of houses. Dave said the idea enhances existing knowledge, rather than being patentable in and of itself.

Each factory can produce 300 houses. And that’s the minimum level that LCC will produce. So if a site demanded 900 affordable homes, they’d create 3 factories.

These SIPs can keep you warm!

And remember, all these clever panels are designed for the affordable sector. It’s all about taking great technology and deploying it to affordable homes. An affordable house doesn’t need to be built on the cheap.

Meanwhile, on the roof of these eco-friendly homes, Dave mentioned tiles. Not just any old tiles. But, tiles are coated with something that makes them like solar panels. An invention from Scandinavia. Always a good place to get innovation. Dave reckons the flow of electricity can serve the power needs of a small family. Now, that’s a big reason to buy one of these homes!

Dave mentioned Section 106 – Planning obligations or Section 106 agreement (Town and Country Planning Act 1990) are sometimes attached to planning permission to make the development acceptable in planning terms or restrict what can be done with land following planning permission being granted.

Low Carbon Construction – The Investment Case

There are 3 reasons that an investor should take a good look at Low Carbon Construction.

  1. Social – LCC will change the dynamics of house building so thousands of families can live better lives.
  2. Environmental – the company is set up to be carbon neutral. The name suggests Low Carbon, but in reality, they are pretty close already to being neutral. Okay, they may need to plant a small forest but on the whole, that is excellent.
  3. Profitable – they have low overheads. They have removed a lot of wet work. You can specify your home in advance. Your house bits go in a container, which is taken to the site.

Are You Interested in Investing in Low Carbon Construction?

The minimum share acquisition is £15,000.

To invest, you have to be either a High Net Worth Individual or a Sophisticated Investor. These are defined terms and are governed by and are stated within the FCA Handbook

The Next 100 Days can introduce you to the investment platform. Just add your name and email here and we will provide the link you need.


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The REAL Reason you should invest in LCC versus their Competition

Low Carbon Construction can take Section 106 off the hands of the big house builders. The housebuilders do not see LCC as a competitor. Affordable houses are a headache for big house builders. Soon LCC will sit down and agree on how they can work with them.

One council wants to build 15,000 houses for them.

Amazing Return, But You Must Confirm it By Reading the Financials!

Now, get in touch and we’ll send you the link to the investment pages.

Dave Cookson – Testimonial for The Next 100 Days Podcast


The Next 100 Days co-hosts…

Graham Arrowsmith

Graham Arrowsmith, Finely Fettled, Meet Professionals, The Next 100 Days Podcast





Finely Fettled helps organisations that want to market to affluent and high net worth customers with direct marketing campaigns and data services. Meet Professionals – Offers large financial advisory groups with 50+ IFAs a white-labelled lead generation and conversion system. Contact Graham: LinkedIn: Visit Graham’s LinkedIn Profile Twitter: Visit Graham’s Twitter Page Email:  Email Graham Direct

Kevin Appleby

Kevin Appleby, GrowCFO, The Next 100 Days Podcast

Kevin is a Chartered Accountant who has worked as a management consultant for several years specialising in finance transformation and implementing business change. Currently, he is the COO of GrowCFO. GrowCFO is Where Finance Leaders Grow Together. Becoming a successful CFO requires commitment and dedication toward delivering your full potential. GrowCFO provides both community and CPD accredited training designed to grow the next generation of finance leaders. You can find Kevin on LinkedIn and at