YouTube Explained by Simon Young
Simon Young is one of the leading experts with YouTube in the UK. Rich Schefren, who some call the Guru’s Guru when it comes to online business, is Simon’s mate. He also has a website with a single-character domain name. You can find out more about Simon and his services at
Kevin said he’d ‘dabbled’ with YouTube
And that’s the problem, Simon says.
YouTube – the hard part – Getting an Audience
Graham said we’d like to know more about using YouTube, but it’s where do you start. Simon told us to start with the hard part. And that’s your audience.
So, if you only have 30 or 40 views, can you tell who it is that actually watched the video? Simon says, no. Google knows, of course. But the data is theirs to trade, and for a bunch of reasons, they’re not about to provide you with that. Imagine, though how incentivised you’d be if you could profile those people and draw a straight line to a load more people like them.
Instead, if you can specify who the perfect audience is for your services, then Google/YouTube will send your communications to them.
How Do I Use YouTube?
This process gets you to a place where you can weed out the people you don’t want. Let’s face it, you don’t want to spend money on the wrong audience. So, in the first 30 seconds of your video, you want to repel as well as attract!
Simon advises you to test. Test and test again!
Mortgage Broker example
Simon explains the repel statement, then after the 30 seconds go into a case study based on your audience. So they feel part of the story. Take them on a journey and then you can make different videos for separate parts of the audience that viewed the video.
Google’s AI learns from you as an advertiser telling them that you got a conversion. The cost per conversion will be high initially, but over time, with more tests, the cost per conversion will drop. It takes 3 months to learn. And the budget is instrumental too. Spending £500 per day, will get you success quicker than £5 per day.
Setting Conversions
Simon stresses that you salami slice the process of conversion up. Watch.
There is lots more to digest from this podcast with Simon.
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Testimonial for The Next 100 Days Podcast
Simon Young provides this testimonial for The Next 100 Days Podcast.
The Next 100 Days co-hosts…
Graham Arrowsmith
Graham runs Finely Fettled to help organisations that want to market to affluent and high-net-worth customers. He also runs Meet Professionals which is being offered to financial advice groups as a white-labelled lead generation and conversion system. Contact Graham on LinkedIn: Visit Graham’s LinkedIn Profile and by email.
Kevin Appleby
Kevin specialises in finance transformation and implementing business change. He’s the COO of GrowCFO who provide both community and CPD accredited training designed to grow the next generation of finance leaders. You can find Kevin on LinkedIn and at