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Skills – Talent Experience Platform

Paul Collins can identify your organisations skills and identify where to get the right ones both existing within and from outside. We had a fascinating conversation about skills with Paul. He hails from the Trough of Bowland (and before then Blackburn), and traded all that for Brisbane, Australia. Even after 20 years, Paul still retains that familiar Lancashire drawl. Sad, really! (Yorkshire Editor).

Paul joins other recent Next 100 Days Alumni from the Brisbane area, Jan Sky and Holly Smith

Paul Collins, Skills, The Next 100 Days Podcast


What does SkillsTX mean? TX is talent experience. It’s about giving people the opportunity to be the best they can be.


Why Do Organisations Work With SkillsTX?

When Elon Musk fired lots of his staff at Twitter, did he do it on job title? Graham doubted whether many of them were technical. Job titles are not skills.

Skills Not Exploited – Need an Inventory

Bombshell, Graham admits to not doing that much research on guests. Not true, he does a bit, but mostly by listening and building on answers, Kevin and Graham get interesting comments.

50% Match


How to Find SkillsTX

Paul Collins, SkillsTX, The Next 100 Days Podcast

Documenting Skills and the Gaps!

SkillsTX uncover people with skills organisations need but didn’t know they already had.


Paul Collins Said This About The Next 100 Days Podcast

“Most people don’t get it, and you did!”


The Next 100 Days co-hosts…

Graham Arrowsmith

Graham Arrowsmith, Finely Fettled, The Next 100 Days Podcast

Graham runs Finely Fettled to help organisations that want to market to affluent and high-net-worth customers.  He also runs Meet Professionals, which is offered to financial advice groups as a white-labelled lead generation and conversion system. Contact Graham on LinkedIn: Visit Graham’s LinkedIn Profile and by email.

Kevin Appleby

Kevin Appleby, GrowCFO, The Next 100 Days Podcast

Kevin specialises in finance transformation and implementing business change. He’s the COO of GrowCFO which provide both community and CPD-accredited training designed to grow the next generation of finance leaders. You can find Kevin on LinkedIn and at