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#334 Being a Storyteller with Shannon Peel

#334 Being a Storyteller with Shannon Peel

Shannon Peel is a storyteller. She lives in Vancouver, Canada. When we recorded this podcast, Shannon was sweltering in – believe it or not – 7 am sunshine. With a name like Peel, you’d think she was related to a famous London-based policeman. Sir...

#137 Tom Jackobs – The Impact Pilot

The Impact Pilot The Impact Pilot, Tom Jackobs Helps Clients Sell More Through Storytelling Tom Jackobs refers to himself as The Impact Pilot, because through storytelling he creates impact for the clients he works with. Tom hails from Iowa and Illinois but now lives...
#130 Faye Kankowski – The Art of Storytelling

#130 Faye Kankowski – The Art of Storytelling

The Art of Storytelling with Faye Kankowski Faye joins the Next 100 Days podcast, to talk about storytelling. Her Polish Grandad moved to the North East, to work at Ashington Pit. Famed as the birthplace of the Charlton football brothers. Faye is just 24 years old....